
Posts Tagged ‘sundance ’09’

sundance hiatus

so much for the resolution of updating daily. So much for practicing daily!  

I got a gig as full-time volunteer at the Sundance film festival. Can this be considered my practice? I’m doing some major karma yoga here. Hours of learning how to deal with the maddening crowds, setting up the barricades, and then starting tomorrow, herding them through the tents and lines as they make their way inside, hopefully, to screenings. And learning how to handle the assholes. I am still waiting for my first “don’t you know who i am?” line.  So far, people have been really sweet. 

It’s going to be challenging to handle a new schedule, fitting yoga in between screenings, meals, and work. And sleep. So writing about yoga… not sure it will happen. For the next 10 days, at least.

I’m hoping to get in to see a documentary about music in Tibet. I’ll try to update.

Until then, namaste! loka samasta sukhino bhavantu.

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